Frequently asked questions

Do you provide one off services?

Absolutely! We provide all our services on a one-off, as needed or regular basis.

What type of devices / systems do you support?

We are what you would call “ecosystem agnostic”. Whether it be Apple, Windows, cloud-based or any combination thereof, we can help with all of your devices and cloud services.

Do you provide phone systems?

Yes! Phone systems have advanced forwards rapidly in the past 5 years, with a trend towards internet based phone systems. Get in touch today to learn about savings that can be made with a new phone system.

Do you provide advice / recommendations to suit my needs? Also can you provide the recommended equipment?

Yes definitely! Whether you are trying to find something for a specific task or are looking for a new workhorse for the office, we can help scope and provide the right solution for you and your technological needs.

Do you provide after hours services?

Yes. We do provide after-hours services. Additional charges may apply.

Do you provide your services to only businesses? Or can you look after my personal laptop and phone?

We provide our services to both businesses and personal alike.